Introduction – The Historical Context
Section I. The Importance of Marble:
1) Ancient Rome 2) The Middle Ages 3) The Renaissance
To account for the success of scagliola, some knowledge is required of the material it was designed to imitate. Inevitably this leads us back to Ancient Rome and its love affair with polished stone. Section I provides a brief history of marble and its uses from Roman times to the late Renaissance.

Inlaid marble panel, Rome c.350 A.D.
The Capitoline Museums, Rome
Introduction – The Historical Context
Section I. The Importance of Marble:
1) Ancient Rome 2) The Middle Ages 3) The Renaissance
To account for the success of scagliola, some knowledge is required of the material it was trying to imitate. Inevitably this leads us back to Ancient Rome and its love affair with polished stone. Section I provides a brief history of marble and its uses from Roman times to the late Renaissance.

Inlaid marble panel, Rome c.350 A.D.
The Capitoline Museums, Rome