Part 2. Scagliola in the Service of the Catholic Church 1600-1760.
Section V. Carpi, Emilia Romagna
15. Altar Pieces 16. The Origins of Italian Scagliola 17. The Achievements of the Emilian Scagliolists. 18. The Carpi Masters – First Generation. 19 The Carpi Masters – Second Generation. 20. The Carpi Masters – Third Generation. 21. Christian Symbolism in the Decoration of 17th and 18th Century altar fronts.
The earliest Italian scagliola is accredited to the school of Carpi, a wealthy town close to Modena in Emilia Romagna. The material was used predominantly for the manufacture of inlaid altar pieces (paliotti), which were supplied by independent workshops competing with each other for commissions. The scagliolists were generally educated and of a higher social status than their German counterparts; many came from aristocratic or religious backgrounds.
The importance of Carpi in the origins and development of seventeenth century Italian scagliola has at times been overstated by local historians keen to emphasise the achievements of their own region. Nevertheless, the town undoubtedly produced some of the finest and most distinctive scagliola work of the period.

Scagliola paliotto with central image of La Madonna della Misericordia by Giovan Marco Barzelli – signed and dated 1681. (Abbey Church of San Pietro, Modena.)